Monday, September 15, 2008

and here we go...

Ok, this is my first blog people so I don't know quite how it will go. As blogs go on I hope to make each one a little more interesting and/or eye catching. Here is a brief run down of our lives: Preston and I acutally met quite some time ago in high school but were only aquaintences. We "re-met" in 2003 and that is when we started dating. One thing led to another and we were married on August 27, 2005. Again, one thing led to another and Lilly was born on June 12, 2006. No she was not a honeymoon baby. We actually planned her because at the time I was on active duty with the Army Reserves and having her was completely paid for. We truly did not pay a dime! I was only active duty for about one more year so we had a small window to work with. Lilly is now 2 and is little miss attitude. I work at Primary Children's Medical Center here in Salt Lake and have been there a mere 2 months now. Anyway that is the brief rundown. Peace out for now.